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Certified Divorce Recovery Coach

Helping you heal, co-parent with confidence, and thrive in your new chapter. 

"I am not what happened to me.

I am what I choose to become."

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You're Ready to Move Forward, But You Need a Clear Path...

You're done carrying the weight of fear, guilt, and anger.

You're ready to break free from the endless cycle of "what ifs" and "if onlys."

You know you deserve a future filled with peace and happiness, but you're unsure of how to get there.

I understand. My "enough is enough" moment came after my second divorce. I was tired of the stress and anxiety and determined to reclaim my power. I knew it was time to set stronger boundaries, rebuild my self-confidence, and create a life that reflected my true worth.


Here's what I discovered: When you choose to see your divorce as a turning point—an opportunity to heal, learn, and grow—you can transform your life. You can move forward with clarity and purpose, building a future even better than the one you left behind.

When you're ready to go all in on yourself, you open the door to a future filled with peace, happiness, and fulfillment. Let me help you take that step.

Now It's Your Turn

It's time for you to take your power back, and start creating the life you truly deserve.


My journey was filled with ups and downs, mistakes, and invaluable lessons. And from those experiences, I've developed a dynamic toolkit tailored specifically for moms like you.

I'm here to give you the roadmap to navigate through the emotional rollercoaster that comes with divorce and co-parenting, helping you find your footing again and move forward with confidence.


So, if you're ready to:

  • Release guilt, anger, and resentment

  • Communicate and maintain strong boundaries  

  • Dissolve stress and anxiety

  • Conquer fear and self-doubt

  • Overcome loneliness and embrace independence

  • Discover and celebrate your new identity

  • Rebuild your self-esteem

  • Evolve into the best version of yourself – for you, and for your kids


Then let's do this!

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"Leah is just amazing. I am so glad I found her as she has me focused on my FUTURE & creating a life that I love, rather than the current sadness of my divorce. She challenges me in the best way and has been such a great support to me."

- Lisa B.

Divorced + Empowered
Support Group

You're not alone. Our amazing community of strong and resilient women are here to uplift, inspire, and empower you as you navigate your new normal.

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FREE Divorced AF Empowerment Guide

Discover three essential steps to healing after divorce so you can gain acceptance, boost your self-esteem, and gain clarity on what's next.

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Dive into personalized guidance and in-depth insights designed to help you navigate your journey with clarity + confidence.

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